Share Our Selves

Share Our Selves
"helping those in need in orange county"

Friday, February 18, 2011

Nickie Shojaee day 3

At our third visit we spent most of our time bagging different breads, fruits and vegetables together to be put into larger bags to be given out to the people that came in. This was a nice and different experience than the previous time we were at SOS because the first time we put the foods in the bigger bags and saw the people that would come in and get the food and it was a bit of a more personal level, but this time, we were able to kind of see the behind the scene things that take place. This was a nice job I thought because we constantly kept busy and it felt like we got a lot done, we even had to start packaging clothes because we had finessed all the foods. I liked doing the behind the scenes work with SOS because I felt really productive and by feeling so productive it felt like more people would be benefitting. Also, it put into perspective how hard everyone there works, whether or not you are working up front or in the back doing paper work, packing food, or giving the food out.

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