Share Our Selves

Share Our Selves
"helping those in need in orange county"

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Claudette Vaught - Day 4 Reflection

On our previous service learning day first, we packaged pastries and donuts. This activity wasn't very exciting however I enjoyed bonding with my classmates. Next we bagged oranges and cucumbers and like the previous job we were assigned, I didn't find this very engaging but I felt like we had a real bonding experience with my classmates. Lastly, Allison and I worked with other volunteers on filling the requests of those in need this was my favorite part, as it was on our service learning day 3. I really like making a connectuion with the people who are reciving the food we package and seeing our good work be put to use. I'm very excited to have our next service learning day and participate in more bonding with my classmates and connecting with those in need.

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