Share Our Selves

Share Our Selves
"helping those in need in orange county"

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Allison Blanning Reflection for Service Day 3

Today was definitely a different experience than the last service learning visit. Last time I spent the entire time doing office work far off from where the actual food preparation and distribution was occurring. However, this time I actually worked bagging and preparing food that would later be packaged into boxes for the hungry. We started off sorting and bagging frozen fish. This was a long and tiresome process because the fish smelled and were really frozen. The boxes of fish that needed to be bagged seemed endless but we all worked really well together and managed to get a large amount of work done in a relatively short time. After bagging fish, we were put to work bagging green beans for eventual distribution to the hungry. The challenge this time was the mold that was prevalent throughout many of the boxes and the requiring picking and sorting out of the good and bad beans. Finally, I helped sort and stock the huge amount of food donations given specifically for those who would ordinarily not have enough food to enjoy Thanksgiving. We sorted through a multitude of food and had to decide whether it was better to throw away some expired donations or keep them on for a little while. It was really comforting to see how much food had been donated in so little a time and how many people would be able to enjoy this food on Thanksgiving. This service visit definitely like a more hands-on experience than last visit and I am excited to continue making progress in my volunteering.

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