Share Our Selves

Share Our Selves
"helping those in need in orange county"

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Allison Blanning Reflection for Service Day 3

Today was definitely a different experience than the last service learning visit. Last time I spent the entire time doing office work far off from where the actual food preparation and distribution was occurring. However, this time I actually worked bagging and preparing food that would later be packaged into boxes for the hungry. We started off sorting and bagging frozen fish. This was a long and tiresome process because the fish smelled and were really frozen. The boxes of fish that needed to be bagged seemed endless but we all worked really well together and managed to get a large amount of work done in a relatively short time. After bagging fish, we were put to work bagging green beans for eventual distribution to the hungry. The challenge this time was the mold that was prevalent throughout many of the boxes and the requiring picking and sorting out of the good and bad beans. Finally, I helped sort and stock the huge amount of food donations given specifically for those who would ordinarily not have enough food to enjoy Thanksgiving. We sorted through a multitude of food and had to decide whether it was better to throw away some expired donations or keep them on for a little while. It was really comforting to see how much food had been donated in so little a time and how many people would be able to enjoy this food on Thanksgiving. This service visit definitely like a more hands-on experience than last visit and I am excited to continue making progress in my volunteering.

Robbe Simon Day 3 Reflection

Even though today was only my second day, I felt like I had learned so much more than I usually would have in one day. After ariving there at 9:00, I started my day by sorting deserts into bags that would later be placed in grocery bags along with other foods for our clients. I then moved to packing frozen fish for about an hour. Then for the remainder of the time I packaged grocery bags based on individual orders by our clients. Based on the number of people within a family, I would put together bags incorporating fresh produce, a combination of protein rich foods, canned goods, bread, and some sweet. It was my favorite job because I came face to face with the people I was helping. The instant gratification was such that my clients were immediately excited or upset with my work. After awhile I felt comfortable with my packing abilities, but it was already time to go. For the next service learning day I hope that I can continue to pack groceries and interact personally with the S.O.S clients

Leo Kim Service Learning Day 3

Today was my first day at S.O.S because I was in Korea last year. At first, Claudette and I were confused because it was our first time but we learned really quickly. Because it was my first time, I started at packing line. I learned to pack a bag so that the food nutrients are balanced, and to call the number out and hand the bags to the people. It felt really good for I was able to meet the people and see what kind of life they are living. Next, I packed fish and green beans which was less appealing, but was still enjoyable because I was able to work with not only Sage students but people from the neighborhood as well. After, I organized the shelf and later folded and stapled papers. Although it was tedious, it was fun and I felt accoplished as I worked. I really enjoyed volunteering to help the people in worse conditions and I hope that I will be able to ehlp them out even more in the future.

Claudette Vaught Reflection Day 3

Today was my first service learning day and I found that it was a really fun and I enjoyed working at SOS. When I first started I was bagging food for the food line with Leo. This was probably my favorite part because I got to interact with the people who requested food. By being able to talk and communicate with the people who were recieving the food it gave me great satisfaction to see my good work being put to use. Next, I bagged fish and green beans. This part was not as fun as the food line, but I still enjoyed this part. Finally, I had to cut, fold and staple papers with Maddie, Nickie and Leo. While this was a tedious process, the day was overall a successful day.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Ford Hanours awesome service learning post day 1

On my first service learning day, I had a very fun and informative time. I learned about how many people in our community are in need of help. I helped rebag fish for the bags which families receive to help them have food. It was nice because I was able to see many people receive their bags of food and see their faces light up. I like doing work for people that I can see and talk to personally because I make a connection with those people.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 2 Reflection Nickie Shojaee

At SOS we were all divided up into different groups. Maddie and I, were put into the group of food bagging. I personally did not know what to expect when we first got their but once we got started it was quite nice seeing our work helping others. We looked at the sheets everyone their filled out and would bag food according to their situations, and then finally seeing them and giving them their necessities. I think the best part about the experience was actually getting to see everything from start to finish. By that I mean that we started off with a little description about a family, and after putting in some work to make a bag of food for them, we got to see the people face to face and see our efforts being put to good use. Overall it was a great day and an even better experience.